Monday, February 8, 2010

Best Day Ever

As much as I intend to continue my honest accounts and candid discussions of parenting, I also have to remember that this is not only a place to connect with others on the hard stuff. As I continue my commitment to weekly blogging, I also want to celebrate the joy that parenting can bring and I want to do that from the perspective of my kids. We have a couple frequently used phrases in the DeWitt houseshold. One (and the most commonly used) is "less than ideal." For example:

Katie: Hey Jason, today when I was pulling into the garage, I sort of scratched the new mini-van.

Jason: Is it bad?

Katie: Well, it's less than ideal.

Today I am not talking about "less than ideal." In truth, I am talking about just the opposite. The phrase currently under discussion is another favorite: "Best Day Ever." Because young children are lucky enough to be without things like mortgage payments, insurance premiums, job stress and marital spats, they often experience unrelenting joy in relation to their daily activities. The best part is that to have the "Best Day Ever", kids do not need to go to Disney Land or Cedar Point. They don't need an enormous water park or the presence of a mountain of Christmas gifts. Here are some examples of times when I have, while watching my kids at the peak of their joy, exclaimed for them, "BEST DAY EVER!!!":

1. First time swimming in the summer.

2. School carnival (this happend for us this past weekend) or movie night.

3. Summer nights with a flashlight and jar to catch lightening bugs.

4. Baking and decorating Christmas cookies.

5. Going to Grandma's (or Nana's) house.

6. Having a picinic and play time in the park.

7. Going to a family friend's house to play.


9. Birthday parties (yours or someone else's).

10. Valentine's Day, complete with cheap cards and candy.

11. A candle-lit dinner.

12. Days that include a disproportionate amount of dancing.

13. First snow of the season.

14. Watching a movie with popcorn and your mom and dad.

15. The last day of school.

16. Snow days!

17. A water balloon fight.

18. Learning (finally) to ride a 2-wheeler.

19. Pumpkin patch day.

20. Playing outside in the spring, all day long.

This past Saturday, Madda came into our room at 7:30, ready to start the day. When asked why she was up so early, she responded with the following, "I just can't wait for all the things I get to do today. I have the carnival, piano lessons and a babysitter!" I could really learn something from her about getting up and being ready to enjoy my daily activities. What is on your list for the best day ever? Truthfully, mine starts at Target.


  1. Any "Best Day Ever" must by law include a trip to Target! LOL

  2. Playing in the snow on a snow day with your daughter, her best friend, and your neighbors (all over the age of 37) on snow that is quite possibly the best for 1: snow men making, 2: snow ball fights, and 3: sliding at ridiculous speeds down a hill into a tree line nearly missing a giant maple! That's good times!
