Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Almost three

In a few weeks, my Sawyer will be three. She is my spitfire; my wild child. A DeWitt force to reckoned with. I think (as with all of my children) that her personality revealed itself to me very early on. When I started to feel movement in my belly with her (at about 14 weeks), she was like a boxer. It was hard to believe that only one child was in there. Her movements were forceful and not to be ignored. Much like her personality today. Sawyer is a sweet, cute little girl. Her huge eyes are full of a sweetness and innocence that is unmatched. Her voice and use of language is precious and animated. She is the center of attention and the star of the show. She is the charasmatic one. She is, as I often say, "something else."

As far as parenting techniques are concerned, Sawyer has challenged us and forced us to learn and fail in various strategies. She is, as they say, a "spirited child." She was colicky as a baby, a tantrum thrower as a toddler and is now an instigater as a preschooler. It is hard to put into words how frustrated I have been by learning to parent this child. At the same time, it is hard to put into words how grateful I am for having been given the challenge. As difficult as Sawyer has been, the depth of love I feel for her is endless. She has taught me things about myself, both good and bad as I navigate the waters of her personality and behavior. As they say, "that which does not kill us can only make us stronger." Sawyer has made me stronger as a parent. She has helped Jason and I grow as a couple as we learn to present to her a united and unwavering front. Jason and I have spent countless hours discussing ways to improve our approach with Sawyer, and have come to understand the necessity of meeting children where they are and assisting them in moving forward. We have come to understand that kids don't just "grow out" of difficult phases. They need nuturing, structure and love to master them.

The good news is that, as Sawyer approaches the age of three, she is for all of our struggles: a total SWEETHEART. She is friendly, polite and fun to be around. She is funny, silly and adorable. She is still a bull in a china shop and a bit of a bully but, man has she turned over a new leaf. Madeline is now gone all day at school and Sawyer and I have had the chance to bond. We are having a such fun sitting on the porch in the morning while I drink coffe, running errands all over town and going to the park. I love this opportunity to get to know my daughter individually. She is such a neat little person, brimming with personality. Next week, she will start preschool two days a week. I'm sure this new adventure will contribute further to her improved self-control and I hope she shows her "fun" and "excited" side to her teachers! Good luck, Sawyer!