Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Sawyer: The Potty Master

Sawyer is trying our patience in various ways. She has not eaten meal in more than a week. She gets out of her bed 10 (literally 10) times before she finally stays put and goes to sleep at bedtime. She cries, yells, screams and wants to eat junk food at every turn. She is just so terrible two. We are challenged by our little angel and look forward to a brighter tomorrow. The fact is, Sawyer is able to save herself from being returned to the hospital from which she came in a few ways:

  1. She's cute. She looks cute and has an adorable voice. For example, on the verge of going to the toddler exchange (imaginary place where you can trade your kid in for a more manageable model) she asks to be picked up. She then kisses me on the cheek and says, "you're so cute!" Saved.

  2. She can entertain herself. Sawyer loves figurines and loves to act out various scenarios that always include babies, mommies and daddies who all love and kiss eachother and call eachother cute. So sweet. Saved.

  3. She is the potty master. Bow down all you 2-year olds in the throes of potty training, your guru has arrived. Girlfriend rocks it out. She now (10 days into potty training) takes it upon herself to use the toilet. She then lets us know of her success. She has not once peed on the floor or in her panties and frequently lets us know, unsolicited that she will not pee in her panties. Saved, saved, saved.

I just love her.

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