Tuesday, February 10, 2009

An Eamon by any other name....still as sweet.

Poor Eamon. He has no idea what his name is. The Baby Whisperer (popular parenting book) says that babies deserve our respect and that we should not refer to them as "baby" but by their given names. Jason and I love our son's name. We love that it is unique and strong. We love that it fits him so well. We are proud of his name. I have held onto that name since I was 14 years old, the time I first heard it . The problem is, we never, ever call our son Eamon. I call him "baby boy." Jason calls him "Jimmy" and sometimes even "Jimmy John." His bald head has lead us to call him various other things including: Joe the Plumber (political reference), baldy balderson and bald baby boy. He can now roll over. Therefore, I feel the need to call him bouncing baby belly boy. Ridiculous. Why can we just not call him Eamon? Honestly, when asked last week what her baby brother's name was, Sawyer could not produce an answer other than "baby boy." Later in the week she pointed at "baby boy" and called him "baby Sammy." Sam is my friend Katy's son.

Dear Eamon,

Mommy promises to start calling you by your name. You are developing a personality and an identity and I believe it is my responsibility to help you in that endeavor. I promise to stop making you a generic prototype of a baby and call you by your beautiful, thoughtfully chosen name. It is just so hard because the fact is, you are just mama's big 5 month old baby boy. Goodness I just love ya.

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