Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Sawyer saves the weekend

This was a rough weekend. Jason and I stayed up late with friends on Friday night and we were just never able to fully recover. That is, until Sawyer single-handedly saved the DeWitt weekend from the brink of disaster at 7pm on Sunday night.

It happend like this: Katie is cleaning up messes in every room in the house while Jason tries to bathe the girls. Sawyer begins screaming that she needs a diaper while in the bath because she has to pee. Jason refuses to give Sawyer a diaper and attempts to wrestle her onto the singing potty. (Meanwhile, other DeWitt children are acting crazy) Sawyer decides to follow mommy around (once she frees herself from Daddy) repeating (we know that Sawyer is in a class by herself when it comes to repeating) "I need diaper, I need diaper" while mommy vacuums and yells at other family members. Finally, mommy remembers that she is taking a new approach with Sawyer, and that ignoring her only escalates the situation and does what any mother would do. I ran downstairs to grab an unopened bag of mini-marshmallows to bribe my 2-year old into peeing on the potty.

I literally laid a trail of mini-marshmallows to the potty and Sawyer fell for it; hook, line and sinker. She sat and ate marshmallows while the bathroom water ran and, SHE PEED! She has not peed on the potty in more than four months. If you know us well enough, you will also know that Sawyer became a big sister four months ago and has regressed in many areas. She has since peed on the potty for three additional days. We are rejoicing. Super Sawyer-to the weekend rescue!
Note: the accompanying pic is from last June, when Sawyer was a regular on the singing potty.

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