Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Sawyer Continues to Dominate

Sawyer continues to dominate potty training. She dominates potty training like she dominates ornery behavior. That is really saying something. We are very proud of her and relieved that we will soon have only one child in diapers. I must say a few things about potty training however, and I believe that anyone who has been through it will understand and feel my pain.
  1. Why is it that Sawyer must pee so frequently? While in diapers she must have been releasing a steady stream of urine constantly. She has honestly peed 20 times today and we still have 4 hours until bedtime. The only other population that can compare to this level of frequency would be pregnant women. In Sawyer's defense, urine does come out each time.
  2. Why is it that peeing/pooping in a bathroom outside of the home is so much more attractive? I think Sawyer likes to leave the house solely because she can christen foreign potties and collect their germs to bring back to our house. Oh yeah, she also gets pretty excited about washing her hands in public restrooms; apparently playing in the bubbles she creates at the Dr.'s office is a real gas (get it?). Yuck.
  3. Why does Madeline deserve a potty treat when Sawyer pees? Madeline is Sawyer's biggest cheerleader when it comes to potty training. As soon as Sawyer is successful, Madeline starts begging for a reward. Seriously, I have no idea why I perpetuate this behavior. It has started to seem normal to get 2 treats from the pantry after Sawyer pees. I think Madeline tastes sugar in her mouth the minute she hears Sawyer's pee hit the talking potty, much in the way Pavlov's dogs salivate to the sound of a bell.
  4. Why is it that right before Sawyer decided she would be house broken did I buy the biggest box of diapers that money could buy?

Nonetheless, Sawyer continues to astound us with her potty training prowess. It's about time Sawyer did something the easy way.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I linked to your blog from Brooke's blog. I just potty trained my daughter and she too goes ALL THE TIME, like a smidge and we too have the GIANT pack of diapers---luckily there will be another kid to use them, but still.

    Glad the potty is going well:)
