Recently, a friend from high school joked that he would like to start a sarcastic version of my blog, as told from the male perspective. As I told him, there are endless ways to poke fun at the Mommy blog. I'm sure many non-moms or non-parents read a Mommy blog and find the information trite and annoying. I get it. I do. So, in the spirit of Bilak's comment, I will attempt to write a blog from my husband's perspective. I will start his internal dialogue from the time he wakes up in the morning.
Today when I woke up at 7pm, I was so tired, but ready for a little you know what. My wife was still sleeping with those stupid pajama pants on that have a tie around the waist. She probably double knots those SOB's so that I will leave her alone. In my defeat, I headed to the shower and got ready as quickly as I could. I really wanted to get out of there before any of the kids woke up. I hate when they wake up crying and needy and want me to help them with a bunch of stuff. So, I kissed Katie and headed to work. I had a busy day; implant case, pediatric sedations, a full mouth at 2pm. Generally a good, productive day. I ate a crappy lunch from Wendy's despite the fact that Katie encouraged me to take the leftovers from last night. I always act like I forget the leftovers because honestly, Katie is a terrible cook. Not to mention the fact that she insists on using green peppers, tomatoes and onions in 90% of the crap she makes. I hate all three of those ingredients but moreover, I hate leftovers. I prefer the Baconator. Cholesterol and/or saturated fat are not concerns of mine. Anyway, after jacking around at my desk long after everyone else has gone home, I head home myself. Katie has already called me 5 times (screaming kids were, of course in the background) and asked me to bring her a Diet Coke from the fridge at work. I always try to bring her one. It scores me some points. (You know what I'm talking about, right guys?) Anyway, I walk into my house and it is trashed. My baby boy starts crying and holding his arms up to me, the girls are dressed like bag lady-princesses and are running around screaming like banshees. My wife looks like she has not slept in 10 days. She is cooking some slop that I explore critically and I start thinking about how pissed she might be if I suggest a phone call to Papa John's. Honestly, she tries, but she is not a good cook. I go through my normal routine: listen to Katie blabber on about her day and all of the "interesting" things that she did (I process approximately 25% of the information), I check, I go upstairs and change clothes. I start wondering what kind of shot I have at getting Katie to hook up with me tonight. I ruin my "dinner" by eating crackers and cheese so that I don't have to eat that mess she has created. I attempt to talk to my daughters who are currently dancing and singing to some super loud music blaring from the TV. I hold my dirty son who looks like one of those babies you see in a cart at Wal-Mart. And then, I start to help my wife. She looks overwhelmed, tired and in need of a shower. I pick up a little bit, try to help my 1st grader with her homework, hold my son and play with our younger daughter. I have to admit it, my life is pretty good. I have cute kids, a great wife and I work 4 days a week. I'm honestly a pretty good husband and an attentive Dad. Seriously though, what do you think my chances are with Katie tonight?
Oh my lord I am seriously LMAO right now. This post was one of the best ones, although I enjoy all of your posts! The other night Brooke and some other friends were at my house watching The Bachelor. I had my laptop out during the show and she was wondering what was taking my attention away from Jake Pavelka. My response, "Oh, I'm reading Katie's blog." It was so much more interesting than Vienna meeting Jake's parents! ;) Keep up the humor as it does brighten my day. One day soon we need to make another trip to Lafayette or vice-versa!
ReplyDeleteI'm thinking 25% is a little high.
ReplyDeleteSitting here literally LOL and Noah keeps asking me what is so funny. I'm sure my husband might take an interest too, if he were actually home. Great post Katie!