Some years, we are very lucky and have little in the way of illness. This year is not that year. It started when I opened my fat trap around Thanksgiving and started bragging about how we had seen little in the way of colds or anything else. I should know better than to open my mouth. Since that time, we have been fighting off various things that I will not go into.
Right now, we are in the midst of living in Pink Eye Hell. Pink eye sucks in particular because it is an "illness' that can often result in nothing more than red, goopy eyes on children who are completely fine in all other respects. This is the kind of Pink Eye we are currently experiencing. We are all stuck in this house together and while I continue my futile attempts to sanitize all surfaces and toys, my kids are like caged animals. They really need to the opportunity to their "wiggles out." Therefore, because I cannot in good conscience take all 3 of these infected children to a confined and frequented kids typ place, I had to come up with an alternative course of action. I may have previously mentioned that I own a very sexy mini-van with most of the bells and whistles; including a DVD player. So, I packed the kids in the mini-van and headed to the Red Box to rent them a DVD so that I could at least get a bit of peace while they watched a movie in the car and I drove. I know-very environmentally friendly. (Get off my back alright. I'm a recycling nazi and I waste almost nothing.) Seriously, I was desperate for a place where I would no longer hear crying, whining and screaming.
Like fugitives, ran from the monotony of our home and took to the open road. The open road being I-65, it drove us straight to Indianapolis where I decided to utilize our zoo membership. What a great message to send to my 6-year old, "Hey Madda, when you stay home from school, we get to do fun things like watch movies, eat McDonalds and go to the zoo." Awesome parenting, I know. Regardless, we were 1 of 5 families in the entire zoo. It was really enjoyable and the perfect prescription to alleviate our cabin fever. The lions were up walking around and roaring, the rhinos were playing (well, kinda) and the monkeys were extra playful. It was the best zoo trip we have ever taken; even if we were playing hooky. Actually, that was probably why it was so much fun.
I had to laugh about this one. I loved the "quote" for Madda in the last paragraph. Sometimes we do what we have to do.