Madeline will turn six in less than one month. A few short days before her 6th birthday, she will begin first grade. I'm not sure how to express how dearly she touches my heart each day. She is, simply stated, a good kid. She is thoughtful, family-oriented, kind, safety-minded and smart. I am so proud of how she gets along with other children, of how fun she is to spend time with and of how many interests she has. I am proud of how intelligent and articulate she is. I am proud of how, at the age of 5 years, 11 months, she is very purposeful in many of the decisions she makes. She chooses to turn off the TV and engage in constructive activities. She chooses to read, write, draw and color. She chooses to play outside. She is the most grown up 5 year, 11 month old I have ever known. It seems like she has been older than her chronological age since the beginning. This ability to seem older than her stated age is certainly to the detriment of her brother and sister, as they are expected to behave as Madeline did at their ages. Jason and I are constantly trying to reframe the expectations we set forth for Sawyer and Eamon, as they are unfair. Madeline is an old soul.
When Madeline was just days past her 3rd birthday, she had heart surgery to correct a narrowing in the aorta that pumps blood to the bottom half of her body. It was so heart-wrenching for Jason and I. After her surgery, we were able to go see her in the pediatric ICU. She lay in her hospital bed, connected to more cords and machines than I care to recall, her long blond hair strewn around her. Despite the surroundings, she looked so angelic. Of course, she was heavily sedated but woke up slightly and recognized that we were standing by her bedside. Immediately, she spoke to us, "I'm not brave. Big sisters don't cry." She was referring to the fact that her baby sister was due to be born in two short weeks. We were unable to fight back tears and reassured her that she was certainly the bravest 3-year old on the planet. Much more brave than her Mom or Dad. Two days later, she was walking around the ICU. Five days after surgery, she came home. Every time I see her scar, I am so thankful to our Pediatrician for further exploring the murmur in my daughter's heart and my stomach becomes sick at the thought of children with undetected heart disease. We are so lucky to have our strong, healthy almost 6 year old girl; she is a gift and a joy. My heart truly swells when I think of how proud she makes me. It is such a privilege to be her mom. I am one proud Mama.
What a sweet post! Madeline sounds like such a precious little girl.