Wednesday, June 24, 2009


When the school year was upon us, I was looking forward to the long, lazy days of summer. I was looking forward to sitting on the porch, watching the kids play while drinking a Diet Coke. I was looking forward to seeing my kids enjoy summer in all it's glory: the sprinkler, the slip and slide, the wading pool, popsicles and ice cream. This idyllic imagery has now abandoned itself and I am fighting to stay afloat in the pool of craziness that is the summer.

We have dance lessons for Sawyer, piano camp as well as piano lessons for Madeline, a lawn to mow, flowers to prune, a house to clean (dirt and grass are invading us), wet clothes everywhere, swimming lessons, family members visiting, family members we plan to visit, and so on. The moral of the story is that the grass IS NOT always greener. Summer with three children is just as, if not more busy, than fall, spring and winter with three children. It is time to resign myself to the fact that life with three (I bow down to anyone with more than 3) children is crazy. It is busy. It is madness. Last week, I had my niece here as well. So, we had life with four children. I do not want four children. Avery's visit solidified that notion in my mind, despite her being a well-behaved, helpful NINE year-old. I can't imagine adding an infant to the zoo that is our home. My brother called me last week and suggested that I watch a hilarious video on Hulu. I told him that I would schedule it in at some point. He then referred to my home as a "circus" and asked if he could buy tickets.

The good news is that I have been given the gift of time from my sister in law, Becky. She has had Madeline and Sawyer for the past 2 days, therefore giving me an opportunity to recharge my battery. Yes, I am rechargeable and I can feel my juices pumping again as I take the time to record this blog post. I miss my girls but know that when they come home to me, (tomorrow) that they will have a Mommy who is ready to face the madness again; battery recharged.

1 comment:

  1. How nice to have a break for a few days and get some special one-on-one time in with Eamon. Must make you feel like a new mom again! I feel bad I barely got to talk to you the last time you were here and it was all crazy and whatnot. Hopefully we can reconnect sometime soon and maybe give Gabby and Sawyer some one-on-one time of their own!
