Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Spring Break: Labor Intensive

Because we are gluttons for punishment, we decided to take all three of our lovely children to Great Wolf Lodge in Mason, Ohio for spring break. We were lucky enough to be upgraded to a 2-floor condo style hotel room for our 2 night stay and it was a good thing. Instead of sleeping soundly with my wonderful husband, I spent 2 nights in bed with my infant son who took this as an opportunity to enjoy a 24-hour buffet, courtesy of his mommy. I had to sleep with him to quiet his frequent crying and therefore avoid waking up Sawyer and opening yet another can of worms. My loving husband slept with Sawyer, to quiet her cries up on the second floor.

Great Wolf Lodge is great. It is huge and delivers on all of its promises for family fun and excitement. Unfortunately, our kids turned out to be a bit young for the water slides. Jason and I were dying on the inside, as we wanted to go on the slides. We learned very quickly that taking children ages 5, 2 and 6 months to a waterpark does not leave a whole lot of time for adult fun. It was labor intensive to say the least. Of course, Eamon had to be held. Sawyer suprised us by demonstrating a new fear of water and therefore wanted to be held constantly. Madeline loved the water park but in true Madeline form practiced "safety first" and avoided anything that looked at all frightening.

The good news is that the kids were pretty well-behaved and Jason and I got to revisit the place where we met, complete with our 3 children. It was pretty neat to take our kids to O'Bryon's Irish Pub and sit in the booth where we first got to know eachother. As many of you know, Sawyer is named after the place. Here are some pics.


  1. This post is cracking me up! We took Beau there about a year ago and he slept about 10 total minutes, so I feel(ish) your pain. ;)

  2. We're going to have to go to that place sometime. Too many of our friends have gone there and had a blast. It will be awhile before Gabby is ready to fully take on those water slides, but hopefully soon! She did pretty well on the big slides at the bounce place, so is that any indication?!?! ;)

    I'm so sorry Eamon was a handful, but isn't that to be expected when you want a little "vacation" that it ends up being more work? I think every parent has to remember that the vacations with small children are really for them, not for us because by God, we work, work, work "on vacation!"
