Since approximately 8 weeks of age, we have been swaddling Eamon based on the DUDU swaddle technique. This technique was created by the author of The Happiest Baby On The Block, pediatrician Dr. Harvey Karp. It is a terrific book on infant parenting and I am not a huge fan of parenting books. I have always contended that a parent should do what is most appropriate for his or her child, regardless of what any book says. (I must add here that my two daughters never really fit the bill for any parenting book I have encountered.)
The Happiest Baby On The Block was written for Eamon. He is a by-the-book kind of baby. He does what the book says he will do if you follow the set instructions. Well, a friend gave me this book and we have followed the instructions set forth by Dr. Karp. We have swaddled that baby tightly, for every nap, as well as overnight for months. The problem is that he is now five months old and the blanket that I use to swaddle him is a bit small. Additionally, I am starting to worry that if I continue to find larger blankets to accommodate this growing baby that he will never be able to sleep unless bundled up like a burrito. I think Eamon may have to locate a roommate for college that is willing to wrap him up in his bed sheets nightly. Here is the little darling all swaddled and ready for his nap.
I have heard that babies who love swaddling, LOVE swaddling! My friend Kristy had to wean her kids off of it a little at a time. I am not sure if she just gradually lessened the swaddle pressure or what. I will ask her and let you know! He looks awfully cute all wrapped up like a little burrito!
ReplyDeleteThat photo is priceless.